Furnished DC is dedicated to helping travelers to the nation’s capital find the extended accommodations they need to help make their stay as successful and as satisfying an experience as possible. Complementing this role is our desire to help furnished property owners in the DC area find quality tenants for their listings.
DC Travelers
Our search page will provide you with a succession of properties all located in the DC metropolitan area. Scroll through the listings to find the ones that look appropriate for your needs. On each, click on the Details link and review the specifics for that property. Want to refine your search using criteria such as number of bedrooms, property type, location or rent range access our parent site Corporate Housing By Owner. When you have found a property that looks promising you’ll have several methods of communicating directly with the owner. Phone, email or in some cases texting is the preferred method. You will find most properties are available in a turn-key status, meaning you will each provided with all you need to make yourself at home.
Property Owners
Providing exceptional service to property owners looking to find quality tenants for their furnished rentals in the DC area is of paramount importance to us. Your properties will reside on Furnished DC as well as the Corporate Housing By Owner website the most actively trafficked website for corporate housing on the internet. You’ll have access to the free
CHBO Handbook available online as a PDF. It is packed with useful information that makes your entre’ into the furnished corporate housing business much easier and more successful. Submitting a listing is painless and you can augment it with additional pictures. You can provide informative description highlighting the unique features of your property. Additional services offered through associated firms are readily available if you choose to use them including credit card acceptance services, background and credit checks, additional insurance coverage for your belongings and more. As an additional no charge service If we will provide a free estimate of the rent your property might command. For less than a dollar a day get your property in front of a national and international audience of travelers that are seeking housing in DC. You control of the rental arrangements and there are no management fees involved with our service. You can search for an appropriate rental 24/7